
We Have Created a Full Range of SERVICES FOR OUR CLIENTS!

We believe that taking a full overview approach to your health yields the best results. We offer several services that give us a broad view of your concerns, and condition(s), and how to best treat those conditions and allow you to feel your best. 
decompression therapy services
Chiropractic Adjustments

Bringing your body into perfect alignment for optimal health. Spinal adjustments are necessary for a more pain free life. Adjustments can start as early as childhood or when you are elderly. Spinal alignment helps the body heal itself the way nature intended.

Physical Examination

This includes X-rays, Range of Motion Study and Muscle Testing.

Range of Motion Study

Checking for restrictions in your spine and limbs. If decreased, the body will protect that region.

X-Ray Examination

Computerized Radiology located in our office

We use several types of in-house
Class IV Laser: Infrared Therapy

Light Force XLI Infrared Light Laser Therapy can helps speed up healing and decrease inflammation faster than the body would do on its own

Class IV Laser: Percussive Therapy

R.P.W. (Radio Pulse Wave) Laser Therapy, made by Chattanooga, can help to break up scar tissue and to heal the body faster than it would on its own

Exercise Equipment

Available in our office to promote rehabilitation of the spine before and after spinal adjustments

Dry Hydrotherapy Bed

Heated dry hydrotherapy to help with circulation and bring blood flow to the spine for healing

Graston Technique

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization that helps break down scar tissue

Percussion & Ice Therapy

Percussion helps mobilize blood to swollen areas to help bring in new nutrients and flush out old blood; Ice helps reduce swelling caused by inflammation

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Specific for disc herniation in the spine.


Mobilizes the spinal column while also stretching the ligaments and muscles. It is often used in conjunction with cold/ice therapy to decrease inflammation.

Percussion & Ice Therapy

Active traction that helps improve the cervical spine: we prove it with a 2nd X-ray

Schedule Appointments

Make an appointment for your first chiropractic adjustment and consultation, or a maintenance adjustment appointment