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Wednesday: 7am – 1pm, 3pm – 6pm
Understanding Your Spine

Your Spine in 3D Understanding Subluxations Understanding Herniations Understanding You Pain

3D videos that reveal the effects of the spine over time

Subluxations because of Whiplash

During a collision your body goes through violent forces that can injure the tissues of your neck:

1.  Normal position
2. 50 ms – spine straightens
3. 75 ms – necks forms an S-shape and ligaments are stretched and torn
4. 100 ms – head finally bends backward injuring ligaments
5. 175 ms – head whips forward forcefully

Stages of disc degeneration
  • Dysfunction Stage (Stage 1)
  • Dehydration Stage (Stage 2)
  • Stabilization Stage (Stage 3)
  • Collapsing Stage (Stage 4)

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